Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

Hosted by Frank Goicuria

Discussion and reviews of movies new and old.

Episode 100- The 355 (2022) - Dir: Simon Kinberg

I discuss and review and female led action film starring Jessica Chastain.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 90 - Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

I discuss and review the latest Spider Man film.


I also give my thoughts on John Madden and current state of movies in the theatres.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 89 - Rom Com Corner - The Proposal (2009)

I am joined by my friend Jaime to discuss the Ryan Reynolds - Sandra Bullock rom com The Proposal.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 88 - 3rd Annual Halloween Special with Niamh

I am joined by my co-host Niamh author of the Crime In My Pocket blog to discuss and review Halloween Kills (2021) and the John Carpenter film Christine (1983)

Her Twitter and Instagram is @CrimeInMyPocket

Her blog is at CrimeInMyPocket.com

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 82 - Michael Clayton - 2007 - Dir: Tony Gilroy

I discuss and review Michael Clayton starring George Clooney as a “fixer” for a high powered law firm.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 81 - Brewster's Millions - 1985 - Dir: Walter Hill

I discuss the Richard Pryor John Candy movie Brewster’s Millions with my friend Mike who brought this movie that I had forgotton about to my attention.

** Note - fisrt minute of audio is slightly distorted but the rest of the show is clear. **

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com