Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

Hosted by Frank Goicuria

Discussion and reviews of movies new and old.

Episode 112 - Nope (2022) - Dir : Jordan Peele

I discuss and review Nope written and directed by Jordan Peele (Get Out, Us)

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEarPodcast

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 110 - The Black Phone (2022) - Dir: Scott Derrickson

I discuss and review the latest Etham Hawke film with Niamh of the Crime in my Pocket blog.

Follow Niamh on Twitter @CrimeInMyPocket

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEarPodcast

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 108 - Actor Profile : Gene Hackman

I discuss the career of one of my favorite actors.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEarPodcast

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 107 - Top Gun Maverick (2022) - Dir: Joseph Kosinki

I discuss and review the follow up to the 1986 Tony Scott film Top Gun.

Starring Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly , Miles Teller and Val Kilmer.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 103 - A Hero (2021) Dir: Asghar Farhadi

I discuss and review the critically acclaimed film by Iranian director Asghar Farhadi

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com

Episode 101 - The Adam Project (2022) - Dir Shawn Levy

I discuss and review the Ryan Reynolds film “The Adam Project” directed by Shawn Levy ( Free Guy, A night at the Museum) . I also discuss the career of Bruce Willis in the wake of his health news.

Twitter :  @bendyourearpod

Instagram : @bendyourearpod

Twitch: bendyourearpod 

Facebook: facebook.com/LetMeBendYourEar

YouTube: Let Me Bend Your Ear Podcast

website: www.LetMeBendYourEar.com

email: BendYourEarPodcast@gmail.com